Testing your product idea (or how to start a SaaS company)

Testing your product idea (or how to start a SaaS company)
Table of contents

Hot it started

Testing the idea

Validating the idea

What's better, to ship products faster or to ship better products?

There are endless discussions about this topic between some people in product management.

There's quite a popular quote by Reid Hoffman, who is the founder of LinkedIn,
"If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late."

We decided to get a little embarrassed and published ProdCamp at Hacker News:


Validating the idea part 2

Have been hunted on ProductHunt

Collecting feedback

Building MVP

Acquiring first customers

Learning again

what we knowledge we lack

Marketing 1

Marketing 2

Marketing 3

How it's going

We'll update the post with some takeaways from the launch and share data.

In the meantime we will follow up everybody who signed up.


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