The Top 5 Customer Feedback Tools for Effective Business Growth

The Top 5 Customer Feedback Tools for Effective Business Growth
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Customer feedback plays a crucial role in driving business growth and success. It provides valuable insights into customer preferences, identifies areas for improvement, and helps build a strong relationship with your target audience. However, managing and effectively utilizing customer feedback can be challenging, especially in today's digital landscape. To streamline this process, businesses rely on customer feedback tools that automate data collection, analysis, and engagement. In this article, we will explore the top five customer feedback tools across different categories and their benefits for your business.

Section 1: Survey Tools

Surveys are a popular method for collecting customer feedback. They enable businesses to ask targeted questions and gather in-context responses from their customers. Here are some of the best survey tools available:

  1. Google Forms
    A free and user-friendly tool for creating online surveys and questionnaires. It offers various question types, customization options, and the ability to analyze responses.
  2. SurveyMonkey
    A popular survey platform that provides a range of features to design and distribute surveys. It offers advanced question types, survey templates, and robust analytics.
  3. Typeform
    An interactive survey tool that allows you to create visually appealing and engaging surveys. It offers conditional logic, multi-page forms, and integrations with other tools.
  4. ProdCamp
    ProdCamp offers a survey module as part of its customer feedback platform. It allows businesses to create customized surveys, distribute them to customers, and gather valuable insights. It also provides analytics and reporting features to analyze survey responses effectively.
  5. Qualtrics
    A comprehensive survey platform that offers advanced survey building capabilities, advanced analytics, and data visualization. It caters to both simple and complex survey needs.
  6. SurveyGizmo
    A versatile survey tool that provides various question types, customization options, and data analysis features. It offers integrations with other tools and advanced reporting capabilities.
  7. G2 (Crowd)
    G2 Crowd is primarily known as a software review platform, but it also offers survey capabilities. It allows businesses to create surveys, collect responses, and gain insights from customers.

Section 2: Voice of the Customer (VOC) Tools

Voice of the Customer tools go beyond traditional surveys and provide a holistic approach to collecting and analyzing customer feedback. These tools offer various features, including reporting, analytics, automation, and customer journey mapping. Here are some VOC tools to consider:

  1. Medallia
    A comprehensive VOC platform that combines feedback collection, sentiment analysis, and data-driven insights to help businesses understand and improve the customer experience.
  2. Qualtrics
    A powerful platform that offers a range of customer experience management tools, including VOC capabilities, predictive analytics, and real-time feedback collection.
  3. UserTesting
    This platform allows businesses to gather feedback through usability testing, remote user research, and customer journey mapping, providing valuable insights for product optimization.

Section 3: Online Review Tools

According to a recent study, 80% of consumers agreed that online reviews directly influence their decisions when choosing a brand. The more you have positive customer ratings, the more likely consumers will purchase from you. This just shows how much power online reviews have over your business growth.

Online reviews have a significant impact on consumer decision-making. Positive reviews can boost your brand's reputation and attract new customers, while negative reviews require prompt attention and resolution. Here are some online review tools to consider:

  1. Trustpilot
    A popular review platform that allows businesses to collect and showcase customer reviews, build trust, and improve online reputation.
  2. G2
    G2 is a leading review platform specifically focused on software and business services. It provides an extensive database of user reviews, ratings, and comparisons to help businesses make informed decisions.
  3. ReviewTrackers
    This tool helps businesses monitor and manage online reviews from multiple platforms, providing a centralized dashboard for efficient review tracking and response management.

Section 4: Social Feedback Tools

This is where a social feedback tool can come in handy when choosing a feedback and reviews management software. It is specifically designed to keep an eye out for what people say about your brand in social media posts, comments, and videos. Likewise, it gives you a proactive approach in managing your online reputation especially if instances of customer dissatisfaction become viral.

Social media platforms offer a space for customers to voice their opinions and experiences. Social feedback tools enable businesses to monitor and engage with customers on social media channels effectively. Here are some tools to consider:

  1. Sprout Social
    A comprehensive social media management platform that allows businesses to monitor brand mentions, engage with customers, and gather valuable feedback from social media channels.
  2. Hootsuite
    With Hootsuite, businesses can manage multiple social media accounts, schedule posts, and track brand mentions, enabling efficient social listening and engagement.
  3. Brandwatch
    This tool offers advanced social listening capabilities, allowing businesses to monitor conversations, track brand sentiment, and analyze social data for actionable insights.

Section 5: Visual Feedback Tools

Sometimes, words alone are not enough to express customer feedback. Visual feedback tools enable customers to provide feedback using visuals, such as screenshots and annotations. Here are some tools to consider:

  1. Usersnap
    Usersnap enables customers to provide visual feedback by capturing screenshots and adding annotations directly on a website or application.
  2. CloudApp
    This tool allows customers to capture and share screenshots, GIFs, and videos to provide visual feedback on specific areas of interest.
  3. Miro
    While primarily a collaborative whiteboard platform, Miro also offers visual feedback capabilities, allowing customers to collaborate visually and share their ideas and suggestions.


Customer feedback plays a critical role in your business growth. You can use it to improve your products and services. Likewise, it can help you attract new customers by building up your online reputation. But with the rise of the internet, you might find yourself struggling to keep track of your customers’ reviews. You need the right tools to help you manage customer feedback.

There are numerous customer feedback tools to choose from. Each has its own set of tools and functions to help you manage and collect customer feedback. Go ahead and check out which one will work best for your business. You won’t know unless you try it out yourself.


Turn User Feedback into Happy Customers